Benjamin Hoffmann

Benjamin Hoffmann

Partner - Patent Attorney

Heading up Potter Clarkson’s Copenhagen office, Benjamin has experience of all types of patent work, with significant involvement in European Patent Office (EPO) prosecution, opposition and appeal work, as well as worldwide product clearance and freedom-to-operate advice.

With a strong technical background in chemistry, most of his patent work has been in chemical and materials science, particularly for new technologies where the invention lies in the novel properties of the chemicals or materials being used in the device or product. 
Benjamin joined Potter Clarkson in August 2018. 



Chemical and materials science including steel and metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides, wood preservation, printable electronics (including conductive pastes, printed circuit boards, and light-emitting devices), polymers (including conductive polymers, and polymer fibres, coatings and films), petrochemicals and titanium dioxide pigments. He also has specialist experience of various mechanical and manufacturing fields, including packaging, personal hygiene products, medical devices, filtration, oil and gas production and printable electronics. 


Benjamin studied chemistry at the University of Oxford and went on to obtain a DPhil in computational chemistry at the same institution.


MChem (Oxon), DPhil, Certificate in Intellectual Property Law (QMUL), European Patent Litigation Certificate (Université de Strasbourg), UK and European Patent Attorney


English, Danish