IP in software: Software for MedTech

Digital health is the use of software and digital technology in healthcare. It is a huge growth area with a myriad of new health and fitness tracking devices (and associated software), APIs and apps flooding the market that interact with health care providers, pharmaceutical companies and health insurance providers.


Is net zero in the UK at risk?

Criticisms of the UK Prime Minister’s recent announcement that several net zero policies will be diluted are fuelling debate on whether the UK can continue to lead on climate action if it is seen as back-tracking on climate policies.


UPC delivers a landmark preliminary injunction in the life sciences sector

In a landmark ruling the local division of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in Munich issued a preliminary injunction against NanoString Technologies based on European Patent 4 108 782 B1, successfully asserted by 10x Genomics and President and Fellows of Harvard College (licensee and patentee).