Our patent attorneys and IP solicitors specialise in protecting and commercialising synthetic biology innovation.

Synthetic biology, engineering biology, industrial biotechnology, plain old-fashioned genetic engineering or biotechnology - all these terms being used to describe how we are using biology to make the things and do the things our world now so desperately needs.

In its purest sense synthetic biology can relate to the application of engineering principles to biology, running iterations of the Design Build Test Learn (DBTL) cycle to optimise a product or processes that achieve a desired outcome.

A broader interpretation of synthetic biology and engineering biology focuses on the manipulation of the DNA or RNA of an organism, again to achieve a desired end (for example the production of a dye or the ability to convert CO2 to protein).

While perhaps the most literal interpretation of synthetic biology is a lab growing a piece of muscle ready for human consumption.

However, the definition we like is simply “using biology to do stuff”!

Some companies and solutions do not involve the manipulation of nucleic acids but still require biology to “do stuff” like using wild-type strains of fungi to make insulation panels or using non-editing approaches to making algae palatable for food products.

Regardless of how you define synthetic biology, you will find our experienced interdisciplinary team has the scientific knowledge, commercial expertise, and personal enthusiasm to ensure you maximise the value of your synthetic biology innovations.


The patent attorneys, IP solicitors and trade mark attorneys in our synbio team will:

  • Identify and explain the types of innovations your company has (or will have, if you are just getting started) and present this in the best way to attract investment
  • Advise you on the most strategic use of all your intellectual property (IP) rights
  • Provide budget- and stage-appropriate Freedom to Operate (FTO) advice
  • Register your patents, designs, and trade marks, and help you protect your trade secrets, worldwide
  • Provide patent, designs, and trade mark infringement and validity opinions
  • Conduct patent, designs, and trade mark searches and watches
  • Defend your IP rights, whether you are attacked via a patent or trade mark office or court proceedings
  • Enforce your rights against competitor infringement
  • Draft the commercial, IP, and licensing agreements you need to capture, protect, and exploit your IP
  • Provide the wider commercial perspective you’ll need to build your business

In addition, we also specialise in providing the very particular support companies looking to spin out from University and scientist-founders require.

If you are just starting your journey, you may want to take a look at our IP Primer for Scientist-Founders.


First and foremost, we understand synthetic biology.

Our synthetic biology team has both the academic and scientific background and client experience required to provide the advice you’ll need to develop, protect and commercialise your innovations.

Moreover, we are genuinely and actively embedded in the European synbio community. Our team holds positions on various boards and committees. We act as mentors for many accelerators and incubators around the world. We even run our own networks, Women in Synthetic Biology (in conjunction with Synbiobeta and the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre), and BioAmass in the Midlands and Yorkshire, and host get-togethers all over the UK during the year.

However, there are three additional reasons why we’d suggest you speak to Potter Clarkson’s dedicated synthetic biology team:

1. We will create the bespoke interdisciplinary team you need

Synthetic biology combines expertise in molecular cloning, cell biology, microbiology, machine learning and AI, engineering, and chemistry. So just as most synthetic biology innovations are devised and developed by a team with experts in all the technical disciplines involved, so it is with our synbio client teams at Potter Clarkson.

We always choose attorneys with the strongest background and technical understanding of not only the relevant fields of molecular microbiology but also those who understand bioreactors, machine learning, and AI. Moreover, your team will also include IP solicitors should you need broader advice on partnership, collaboration, licensing, or any other type of commercial contract.

2. We know how to put synthetic biology into a real-life commercial context

Synthetic biology is a true platform technology. The companies that use synbio are more likely to consider themselves foodtech or agritech, construction materials, fashion, therapeutics, energy, cleantech, or climate tech companies. The list is endless; synbio does not fit neatly into a single box.

This is why our specialist sector teams include synthetic biology specialists who understand the specific nuances of these markets and can, therefore, provide fully formed, commercial advice that will ensure your inventions achieve the success they deserve in:

3. We have experience helping synbio companies of every size, from founder to multinational

If you have recently left academia and are ready to turn your great idea into a great business, we can help you develop your commercial offering and make yourself a more attractive investment proposition.

If you are planning to scale up, we can show you how to use your IP to the best effect as you take the next step.

If you are a larger organisation, we can show you how to use your IP rights to shape your strategic direction and maximise your market share and shareholder value.

Alternatively, if you are an investor looking to capitalise on the exciting opportunities synthetic biology offers, we can help you examine your potential investees and verify their IP and business plan match their pitch.